Serve on a task force - networking with ambulatory nurses from across the country can be very rewarding!
The American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN) occasionally invites members to assist the association in meeting their goals by volunteering to serve on a task force. Members are informed of new volunteer opportunities via email as new projects and initiatives are established. Work is accomplished via conference calls, screen sharing platforms, and email.
Ambulatory Care Nursing Scope and Standards Revision Task Force
Ambulatory care nursing practice is in a constant state of change and the Scope and Standards of Practice must be updated to reflect the changes.
This Task Force has updated and revised the Scope and Standards of Practice for Professional Ambulatory Care Nursing, 9th Edition, and created the 10th edition. New content specific to social determinants of health, health equity, and updated conceptual model are a critical part of ambulatory care practice and are reflected in the updated scope and standards document.
The new Scope and Standards of Practice for Professional Ambulatory Care Nursing, 10th Edition, will be available for purchase at AAACN’s Annual Conference in April 2023.
Edtrina Moss, PhD, RN, AMB-BC, NE-BC, CLSSGB, Chair/Editor
Cynthia L. Murray BN, RN, AMB-BC, Co-Chair, Co-Editor, Advisor, Board Liaison
Dawn Vonderheide, DNP, MSN, RN, AMB-BC, NE-BC, Co-Chair, Co-Editor
CAPT Andrea Petrovanie-Green, RN, MSN, AMB-BC, Advisor
Peter DiPiazza, DNP, APRN, BC-FNP
Jami Falk, MS, RN-BSN, CNML
Janice Fortman, MSN, BA, RN, AMB-BC
Leslie K. Morris, DNP, RN, AMB-BC, NPD-BC
Marygrace E. Phillips, MSN, RN, AMB-BC
Leslie Pihlstrom, RN
Karla M. Schroeder, DNP, RN, ANP-BC, MHA, NE-BC
Contributors (Representatives from Concurrent AAACN Projects)
Julie Alban, DNP, MPH, AMB-BC, CCCTM
Chair, AAACN's Care Coordination and Transition Management Course Evaluation Assessment Task Force
Tabitha Anglea, MSN, RN, CCCTM, AMB-BC, CCRN-K, LNC
Co-Chair, AAACN's Telephone Triage Online Course Task Force
Amy Cadoret, MHA, MSN, NEA-BC, AMB-BC
Kimberly Regis, DNP, RN, PNP-BC
Co-Chairs, AAACN's DEI Task Force
Patrick Turpin, MSN, CNS
Chair, AAACN's RN Residency White Paper Review and Update Task Force
Michele Cavallaro, DNP, RN
Amy Eilertsen, MN, RN
Kristene K. Grayem, APRN, MSN, AMB-BC
Daniele Hill, MSN, RN, CCCTM
Sierra Kane, MSN, RN, CNL, AMB-BC, DNC
Kathryn Koehne, DNP, AMB-BC, C-TNP
Margaret Mastal, PhD, MSN, RN
Kathy Mertens, DNP, MPH, RN
Aleesa M. Mobley, PhD, RN, ANP-BC, CPHQ
Courtney Monterusso, BSN, RN, FNS
Charlene Platon, MS, RN, FNP-BC
Lynette Sandiford, DNP, RN, AMB-BC, PHN, CENP
Assanatu I. Savage, PhD, DNP, FNP-BC, AMB-BC, CDR, NC, USN (Ret)
Julie Tisnado, MSN, RN, CNRN
Jamie Vik, DNP, RN, FNP, NEA-BC
Raquel Wright, DNP, MBA, RN, AMB-BC

Dawn Vonderheide, DNP, RN, AMB-BC, NE-BC

Edtrina Moss, PhD, AMB-BC, NE-BC, CLSSGB
Nurse-Sensitive Indicator Industry Report Revision Task Force
The Nurse-Sensitive indicator Industry Report (NSI) articulates the value of nursing’s contributions by measuring elements of patient care and patient outcomes that are directly affected by nursing practice. They can be measures that reflect structure and process of care such as volume, RN demographics, and staffing metrics. The identification and measurement of NSIs is critical in describing the contributions and value of RNs in ambulatory care settings.
AAACN has commissioned a new Task Force to revise the original NSI Industry Report published in 2016 to include changes and progress on industry, NSIs, and meaningful benchmarking and strategies for enculturation into nursing practice in ambulatory to date.
Rebecca Dellefave, BSN, RN, MS
Rachel Start, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Ann Marie Matlock, RN, DNP, NE-BC
Board Liaison
Rachel Start, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Elizabeth Carreira, MSBA, BSN, RN, OCN, NE-BC, CPPS
Nancy Dunton, RN, PhD
Jami Falk, MS, RN-BSN, CNML, COR
Annette Hamlin, MSN Ed, AMB-BC, RN
Sara Kollman, DNP, RN, NE-BC
Gregory Kopp, MN, MHA, AMB-BC, CENP
Stephanie Martinez, MBA, BSN, RN, CPHQ
Molly Moran, CCRN, MSN, RN
Rebecca Newman, MS, RN, CPN
Jaclyn Schindler, MPH, PMC, FNP-BC, RN-BC
Maj Yessenia Sinclair, USAF, NC, AMB-BC, MHA, MBA
Robin Walsh, RN, BSN
Subject Matter Experts:
Teresa Anderson, EdD, MSN, RN, NE-BC
Mary Blankson, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, FAAN
Heather Bogrett, MSN, AMB-BC
Deborah Cantlin, MSN, RN, CHFN
Jeff Doucette, DNP, RN, FACHE, NEA-BC, FAAN
Kathy Ferket
Deena Gilland, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Rebecca Graystone, MS, MBA, RN, NE-BC
Maureen Lal
Rebecca Love
LTC Leilani A.C.LG Siaki, PhD, FNP-BC, FAANP
Marsha Pike, DNP, CNS
Leah Shever-Doletzky, PhD, RN
Traci Solt, DNP, FACHE, NEA-BC
Beth Ann Swan, PhD, CRNP, FAAN
Nora E. Warshawsky, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, CNE, FAAN
Cynthia Wilson, MSN, RN
Stephanie Witwer, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN

Rebecca Dellefave, BSN, RN, MS

Rachel Start, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN

Ann Marie Matlock, RN, DNP, NE-BC
Preceptor Guide for Ambulatory Care Nursing Revision Task Force
The original Preceptor Guide for Ambulatory Care Nursing was published in 2017 by a workgroup from the Patient/Staff Education Special Interest Group (SIG), after they determined that there were not many written guides for developing an ambulatory care nursing preceptor program. They also identified the need for a tool that would assist ambulatory care nurses in translating the Ambulatory Care Nursing Orientation and Competency Assessment Guide into practice.
It is important to stay relevant as health care continues to advance in both primary and specialty care. The original Preceptor Guide needs to be reviewed to determine what updates are needed at this time.
This Task Force will update and revise the Preceptor Guide for Ambulatory Care Nursing and create the 2nd edition.
Sara Kollman, DNP, RN, NE-BC
Board Liaison
Stephanie Witwer, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Kelly Bonenfant, MSN, RN, OCN
Emmika Elkin, MSN, RN, OCN, NPD-BC
Celeste Fisher, RN, MPH, NE-BC
Carin Hotelling, MSN, RN, CEN, CPEN, CCRN-K, TCRN, CHSE
Una Moore, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, OCN
Erin Nicol, LPN
Marilyn Ostendorf, DNP, RN
Celina Padilla, MSN
Linda Parsons, MSN, RN, NPD-BC
Robin Pleshaw, MSN, RN, AMB-BC
Julia Scholl, MSN, RN, OCN
Lori Stroud, RN, AMB-BC
Dedria Tuck, MSN, RN, AMB-BC, CPN
Elizabeth Young, MSN, RN, PHN

Sara Kollman, DNP, RN, NE-BC
RN Role/Value Proposition (ROI) Task Force
RN activities are increasingly being viewed as high in value, contributing to improved patient outcomes, shifting to right site of care, and health care cost containment. Innovative models include: independent nurse visits, collaborative co-visits with providers; evolved care management models for transition management, complex care, and advanced illness care; and RN led team care.
While the evidence for advocating employment of RNs in innovative and value-based care roles is present, AAACN leaders and members struggle to establish an effective business cases (ROI) that support hiring RNs and implementing new models of care.
The Task Force is developing a starter toolkit for new ambulatory care leaders that will include a business case description and a return on investment (ROI) template, talking points, and exemplars that support AAACN members as they advocate for implementing and expanding the RN role in ambulatory care.
Anne T. Jessie, DNP RN
Board Liaison
Eileen Esposito, DNP, RN-BC, CPHQ
Task Force Members
Shannon Deen
Cynthia Griffin, BSN, MS, RN, CPHQ, CCM, NEA-BC
Linda Harden, MS, BSN, RN-BC
Heidi Rolfs, BSN, BA, RN, OCN
Rebecca Sutter, DNP
Dawn Welling, RN, MSN
Melanie Wolcott, MBA, RN

Anne T. Jessie, DNP RN
Role of the RN in Ambulatory Care Nursing Position Statement and Paper Revision Task Force
In 2011, AAACN published the first-ever position statement regarding the role of the registered nurse (RN) in ambulatory care. Since that time, tremendous changes have occurred in healthcare, especially in ambulatory care.
Healthcare reform, the Affordable Care Act, the implementation of care coordination as a strategy to improve health and prevent rehospitalization, and the transition from volume-based to value-based care has resulted in an increased focus on the ambulatory care setting as the site of health care provision now and in the future.
This position paper reflects the current state of ambulatory care and the crucial role of the RN as a care provider, care coordinator, and care partner. It also highlights potential role changes and adaptations for the future.
AAACN is forming a Task Force to review and update the Role of the RN in Ambulatory Care Nursing Position Statement and Paper.
Aleesa Mobley, PhD, RN, ANP-BC, CPHQ
Jean Bernhardt, PhD, MSN, NEA-BC, CNP
Board Liaison/Advisor
Stephanie Witwer, PhD RN NEA-BC FAAN
Task Force Members
Tera Bartelt, MS, RN
Deborah Cantlin, MSN, RN, CHFN
Brenna Fergusen, RN, BSN, MS, MBA, CCM
Amanda Huff, BSN, RN, OCN
Anne Jessie, DNP, RN
Sandra Meredith-Neve, BScN, RN-CPN
Cynthia Painter-Press, RN, MSN, NEA-BC
Terri White, RN, MSN
Calli Wood, MSN-Ed, RN, NPD-BC
Aleesa Mobley, PhD, RN, ANP-BC, CPHQ

Jean Bernhardt, PhD, MSN, NEA-BC, CNP
Workplace Safety Task Force
Workplace violence toward nurses is an increasingly prevalent issue. The occurrence of violence toward healthcare workers is higher than in most professions and has only increased throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.
According to the American Nurses Association, one in four nurses is assaulted on the job. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that healthcare workers and those who work in social services are five times more likely to experience workplace violence than other workers.
AAACN formed the Workplace Safety Task Force to develop resources to educate members on the topic of ambulatory care workplace safety and violence prevention methods.
Dawn Fletcher, DNP, NEA-BC, RN
Beth Sparks, RN, MSN, CNML
Board Liaison
Capt. Andrea Petrovanie-Green, MSN, RN, AMB-BC
Task Force Members
Trinity Abernathy, BSN, RN
Sean Austin, MSN, RN, CEN, EMT
Dorcas Diaz, MSN, RN, CCTM, CRMST
Michelle Fernamberg, DNP, MHA, RN
Kelsey Loehr, RN
Jennifer McMullen, MS, RN, AGCNS-BC
John C. Murphy, RN, DNP
Leslie Pihlstrom, RN
Catima Potter, MPH

Dawn Fletcher, DNP, NEA-BC, RN

Beth Sparks, RN, MSN, CNML
The Task Forces below have completed their work. We greatly appreciate their important contributions to AAACN!
Academic-Practice Partnerships Guidelines Task Force
AAACN recognized the need to create a pipeline to practice for nurses in ambulatory care settings. A looming nursing shortage, historical exclusion of ambulatory care as a clinical learning setting in academia, and the need to educate, inform, and foster RNs working to top of license in all ambulatory care settings has created a critical demand to develop strategies to increase the number of informed and empowered ambulatory care RNs.
This Task Force developed the Best Practice Guidelines for Academic and Practice Partnerships in Ambulatory and Community Settings, which provides comprehensive guidance in initiating and sustaining partnerships that establish a pipeline of competent nurses prepared to practice in ambulatory care settings.
This publication highlights five distinct sections to guide the development of Academic Practice Partnerships, from the initial stages of assessing readiness and establishing the partnership to the actual placement of students or developing nurse residency programs.
Each section features guideline recommendations based on literature review, theme identification, and subject matter experts’ survey response.
Jessie Jones-Bell, MSN Ed., RN, PHN
Laurel More, MS, RN, CPN
Board Liaison
Chris Ruygrok, MBA, AMB-BC
Team Leads
Diana Alemar, MSN, RN-BC, NEA-BC, CNL
Caroline Coburn, DNP, MS, ANP-BC
Mary DiGiulio, DNP, APN, FAANP
Stephanie Witwer, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Task Force Members
Susan Antol, PhD, MS, RN
Tia Bell, DNP
Stephanie Bilskis, BSN, RN, MSM, MBA
Vanessa DeBiase, MSN, MEd, RN
Mary Donnelly, ACNP-BC, ANP-BC, CNL
Elizabeth Fritz, MSN, RN-BC
Annette Hamlin, RN-BC, MSN Ed
Anne McLeod, RN, DNP
Nancy Weaver Parker, MSN, RN, PHN, CNL
Linda Parsons, MSN, RN
Portia Zaire, BSN, MSNEd, RN-CCCTM
Jessie Jones-Bell, MSN Ed., RN, PHN

Laurel More, MS, RN, CPN
Ambulatory Review Questions Task Force
This Task Force revised the Ambulatory Care Nursing Review Questions, 4th edition, to complement the Core Curriculum for Ambulatory Care Nursing, 4th edition (2019). The Review Questions serve as a study reference for the Ambulatory Care Nursing certification exam.
The Ambulatory Care Nursing Review Questions, 5th edition is available for purchase in the AAACN online store.
Stephanie Witwer, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Board Liaison
CMDR Assanatu I. Savage, PhD, DNP, FNP-BC, CDR, NC USN RN-BC
Task Force Members
Cynthia Cadiente, MSN-NED
Dianne Cirillo, MS, RN-BC
Pamella L. Guntrum, DNP, MSN, RN-BC, AHN-BC
Cara Hough, BSN, RN-BC
Carlissa Kelly, MSN, RN-BC
Robin M. Pleshaw, MSN, RN-BC
Yessenia N. Sinclair, Major USAF, NC, RN-BC, MHA, MBA
Mary E. Sizer, DNP, RN, CPN
Danielle Smith, MSN, RN, CNL
Michele Boyd, MSN, RN
Denise Hannagan, MSN, MHA, RN-BC, EDAC
Cynthia Nowicki Hnatiuk, EdD, RN, CAE
E. Mary Johnson, BSN, RN-C, NE-BC
Candia Baker Laughlin, MS, RN
Nancy May, DNP, RN-BC, NEA-BC
Susan Paschke, MSN, RN-BC, NEA-BC

Stephanie Witwer, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
CCTM Course Evaluations Assessment Task Force
Coordinating patient care and managing patient transitions are crucial parts of the role of the registered nurse (RN). AAACN supports the practice of care coordination and transition management (CCTM) with resources designed to enhance your practice.
AAACN’s Care Coordination and Transition Management (CCTM) Course, based on the CCTM Core Curriculum, was designed to empower you to apply evidence-based content to your practice.
This Task Force conducted a thematic analysis of the CCTM Course evaluations in the Online Library, and provided a summary of findings and provide recommendations for revisions to the next version of the CCTM Course.
Julie Alban, DNP, MPH, AMB-BC, CCCTM
Board Liaison
Cynthia Murray, BN, RN, AMB-BC
Task Force Members
Janet Dobrzyn, MSN, RN, CPHQ, CHP
Sarah Whalen Espin, MSN, AMB-BC, VHA-CM
Patricia Fioravanti, MS, BSN, RN, CCM
Amy Fulwood, MSN, AMB-BC, VHA-CM
Karen Pause-Meeks, MSN, RN, AMB-BC

Julie Alban, DNP, MPH, AMB-BC, CCCTM
Future of Nursing Task Force
The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Committee examined the lessons learned from the 2010 Future of Nursing Campaign for Action, as well as the current state of science and technology and producing a report of the capacity of the nursing profession to meet the anticipated health and social care demands from 2020 to 2030.
This Task Force prepared a formal AAACN statement to the Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Committee that illustrates the value of ambulatory care nursing to the future of nursing, as well as talking points for each of the Future of Nursing Town Halls.
AAACN was thrilled to be one of four organizations asked to provide comments at the Philadelphia Future of Nursing Town Hall in July 2019.
Learn more about AAACN’s participation in the Town Hall and access resources, presentations, and videos.
Debra L. Cox, MS, RN, CENP
Board Liaison
Kathy Mertens, DNP, MPH, RN
Task Force Members
Sheila Haas, PhD, RN, FAAN
Rachel Start, MSN, RN, NE-BC
Beth Ann Swan, PhD, CRNP, FAAN
Barbara Trehearne, PhD, RN

Debra L. Cox, MS, RN, CENP
Nurse Executive Task Force
The Nurse Executive Task Force focused on the importance of nursing leadership in the ambulatory care setting and the need to develop structures that underscore nursing, value, ownership, accountability, and collaboration within the interdisciplinary team so that ultimately the best care can be provided to patients and families across the continuum.
Following a survey of nurse executives in 2017, a need was identified to work on opportunities, challenges, barriers, and advocacy from the ambulatory care nurse executive perspective. The Task Force includes members from different ambulatory care areas, including academic medical centers, large, mid-size, small, community health, and rural health ambulatory care practices.
Initial work identified the current state and optimal state of nursing executive roles and organizational structures for each ambulatory care practice area. The Task Force has created an online toolkit that addresses the 14 nurse executive competencies developed by the American Organization of Nurse Leaders (AONL) and interprets them for use in ambulatory care.
Members of this task force presented this work at a Panel presentation at the 2019 AAACN conference, discussing the differences in competencies for nurse executives functioning in large, mid-size, rural, and academic practices.
Susan Hossli, MSN, RN, NEA-BC
Nancy May, DNP, AMB-BC, NEA-BC
Board Liaison
Anne Jessie, DNP, RN
Task Force Members
Mary Blankson, DNP, APRN, FNP-C
Constance Buran, PhD, NE-BC, RN
Lisa Duncan, DNP, MBA, RN, AMB-BC, CIC, NEA-BC
Sobha Fuller, DNP, RN, AMB-BC, NEA-BC
Deena Gilland, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Terrie Hemman, RN, BSN, MBA-HCM, CCCM
Patty Hughes, DNP, RN, NE-BC
Rachel Start, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN

Susan Hossli, MSN, RN, NEA-BC

Nancy May, DNP, RN-BC, NEA-BC
Registered Nurse Residency White Paper Review and Update Task Force
The Ambulatory Care Registered Nurse Residency White Paper was reviewed by the RN Residency White Paper Review and Update Task Force in 2022. The Task Force determined that the content of the paper is still relevant and useful, and developed a prologue to enhance the utility of the paper. The prologue, inserted into the beginning of the paper, provides guidance to any professional looking to incorporate an ambulatory care nurse residency program into their facility.
The prologue confirms the significance of the Ambulatory Care Registered Nurse Residency White Paper, as well as highlights current dilemmas of nurses working to incorporate these programs. It offers advice on how to potentially obtain funding for start-up, and provides a network of facilities that have successfully created and sustained ambulatory care nursing residency programs and have generously made themselves available to be contacted with related questions and concerns.
Ambulatory nurse residency programs are the standard for nurses to be successful in the ever-critical setting of ambulatory care. This prologue provides a current avenue for facilities to build a successful and sustainable program.
View the Updated RN Residency White Paper
Patrick Turpin, MSN, CNS
Board Liaison
Assanatu I. Savage, PhD, DNP, FNP-BC, AMB-BC, CDR, NC, USN (Ret)
Evy Olson, MSN, MBA, RN
Task Force Members
Jared Caron, BSN, RN-BC
Kim Giles, DNP, RN
Leslie Hazle, MSN, RN
Laurel More, MS, RN, CPN
Christina Watwood, BSN, RN, MHA-MPH
Terri White, MSN, RN
Tamara Zurakowski, PhD, GNP-BC

Patrick Turpin, MSN, CNS
Telehealth Education Resources Task Force
In 2014, AAACN conducted a member survey to identify telehealth nursing needs and challenges. The number one response to the questions “What product or information would best support telehealth nursing practice (TNP) in your organization?” and “What can AAACN do to help meet the challenges?” was training and education.
The fact that TNP provides many services (e.g., triage, education and advice, video conferencing, remote patient monitoring, patient applications and care coordination) and uses many technologies (e.g., telephone, video, email, portals, remote monitoring equipment) supports the idea that a variety of specific knowledge and skills are needed depending on the service, the technology, and the desired outcomes.
This Task Force reviewed current resources to be used for the education, orientation, professional development, or practice resource for nurses engaged in telehealth practice, and developed the Telehealth Nursing Practice Education Resources Directory.
Sharon Steingass, MSN, RN, AOCN
Board Liaison
Quanna Batiste-Brown, DNP, HCSM, RN, FABC, NEA-BC
Task Force Members
Katherine K. Andersen, MSN, RN-BC, CCM
Kathryn M. Koehne, DNP, RN-BC, C-TNP
Honey B. Lane, BSN, MSN, RN
Carol Rutenberg, RN-BC, C-TNP, MNSc
Lynn Smith-Cronin, BSN, RN
Diane Woods, RN

Sharon Steingass, MSN, RN, AOCN
Telephone Triage Course Task Force
The AAACN vision of telehealth nursing practice (TNP) has expanded from the initial telephone triage to telehealth nursing to accommodate changes in practice. However, telephone triage remains a current and significant form of telehealth nursing as it is practiced today. Since 2014, our members have been requesting education and training resources to support TNP, and at that time 67.7% of respondents were practicing telephone triage/advice.
The Telephone Triage as Professional Nursing Practice course, provides in-depth and comprehensive education in telephone triage through the AAACN Online Library.
Tabitha Anglea, MSN, RN, CCRN-K, LNC
Elizabeth Wright, MBA, BSN, RN, AMB-BC
Carol Rutenberg, RN-BC, C-TNP, MNSc
Board Liaison
Mary Blankson, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, FAAN
Team Leads
Claire Anderson, APRN, MSN, FNP-BC, CHFN
Heidi Burns, MSN, RN-BC
LaVonne Harris, RN, MSN
Kathryn Koehne, DNP, RN-BC, C-TNP
Jayme Speight, MSN, RN-BC
Meaghan Wohl, BSN, RN
Elizabeth Wright, MBA, BSN, RN, AMB-BC
Task Force Members
Tracey Backus, MS, RN-BC
Melissa Bowen, MSN, RN, NE-BC
Bridget Carter, MS, RN
Eleanor Chapital, MSN, RN-BC
Sandra Coley, BSN, RN
Libertie Collins, MSN, RN-BC, CPHQ, CPPS, CPHQ, MSN, RN
Kim Culross, BSN, RNC-BC
Kristine Feldhaus, BSN, RN, CPN
Kim Finke, RN, BSN, CNML
Catherine Fournier, MPH, RN-BC
Teresa Hegarty, BSN, RN, CPN
Daryl Keller, CMSRN, MBA, RN-BC
Patty Moore, MSN, MBA, RN, NE-BC
Cheryl A. Patterson, BSN, RNC-TNP
Maureen Power, RN, MPH, LNCC
Gail Seeger, BSN, RN-BC
Karen Steinbock, MBA, BSN, RN
Pegi Vaillancourt, RN, MN
Melissa Zelin, BSN, RN-BC
Katie Connor, MSN, RN-BC
Leslie Morris, MSN, RN
Sarah Storhoff, MSN, RN-BC
Col. Katherine Taylor Pearson, DNP, RN-BC, CNE
Angela Zipperer, MSN, RN, CNL
Julie Alban, DNP, MPH, AMB-BC, CCCTM
Katherine K. Andersen, MSN, AMB-BC, CCM
Jared Caron, BSN, RN, AMB-BC
Brenda Blain Danner, RN, MSN, CNL
Courtney Monterusso, BSN, RN, FNS
Margaret Pascucci, RN
Charissa Phelps, RN-BC
Staci Redding, CMSRN, DNP, NPD-BC
Voiceover Speakers
Bridget Carter, MS, RN
Eleanor Chapital, MSN, RN, AMB-BC
Kim Culross, MSN, RN, AMB-BC, C-TNP, CNE
Kristine Feldhaus, BSN, RN, CPN
Kathryn Koehne, DNP, AMB-BC, C-TNP
Jessica Polk, DrPH, MPH, BSN, RN
Kimberly Regis, DNP, RN, PNP-BC
Carol Rutenberg, MNSc, RN, AMB-BC, C-TNP
CAPT (U.S. Navy) David Thomas, BSN, MPA, EMBA, CEN, AMB-BC
Elizabeth Wright, MBA, BSN, RN, AMB-BC

Tabitha Anglea, MSN, RN, CCRN-K, LNC

Carol Rutenberg, RN-BC, C-TNP, MNSc

Elizabeth Wright, MBA, BSN, RN, AMB-BC

M. Elizabeth Greenberg, CNE, PhD, RN-BC, C-TNP
Special thanks to M. Elizabeth Greenberg, CNE, PhD, RN-BC, C-TNP, former Co-Chair, without whom this project would not have been possible.